
Who should join Fiber eXchange Guild?

If you spindle spin knit crochet raise alpaca tat wheel spin like to dye fibers 
need texture braid raise llamas needle felt nalbind embroider
have a yarn stash raise angora bunnies cross stitch macrame kumihimo
wet felt electric spin raise buffalo make bobbin lace sew crewel
latch hook raise yak sculpt with fiber have a fiber stash needlepoint
raise goats punch needlework weave hook rugs raise camels
enjoy fluffy fiber make paper raise sheep quilt make baskets
love to wear art 
like to purchase or want to know more about any of the above ...
we understand and can help!

fXg is a dynamic mutually beneficial community of fiber producers, artists and patrons gathered to further fiber arts and fiber education. We also welcome producers and artists from complimentary art and craft backgrounds. fXg focuses on traditional arts education but embrace the education, support and sharing of myriad arts.

Member Benefits include:
- Quarterly newsletter, includes information from international, national and more local levels

Network with the growing fiber and fiber related community
- Special level participation in classesworkshops and other special events
- Join demonstrations and fiber art events around the region on local, county and state levels
- Business publicity
Co-op sales for individual and businesses
- Be an active part of planning and presenting 
Southern Indiana FiberArts Festival, southern Indiana and and Greater Louisville's only fiber art event of its scale.

What fXg does:
- Demonstrate traditional and contemporary fiber arts skills and techniques
- Demonstrate complementary skills in appropriate venues
- Facilitate connecting instructors with classes/students
- Provide free basic lessons in certain venues
- Gather handcrafted items for charity crafting
- Collect and distribute supplies for charity crafting
- Provide support and publicity for members participating in events
- Host public gatherings for fiber and other crafting
- Host Southern Indiana FiberArts Festival annually

Annual Dues:
Individual: $15; $40 for 3 years
Business: $25; $70 for 3 years
membership form link
or email for form or ask at a gathering